Thursday, January 17, 2008

Concerning Yo Momma!

Went to Waseems chatbox earlier and he put up an original Yo Momma joke. Its quite funny

Yo momma so fat, the genie from Aladdin had to grant her 4 wishes

Then I realised - we don't have any muslim 'yo mamma' jokes, so heres a few that I thought of today

Yo momma so fat she couldn't perform haj because people were circling her!

yo momma is so fat, she makes ghusl in the Indian ocean

yo mommas fingers are so fat, she had to make a tasbeeh out of tennis balls

yo mommas so fat, when she raises her hands for takbeer she knocks out half the saf

Yo mommas so fat and ugly, when she was in Mina, they stoned her!

Yo mommas so fat, she has to pay five percent zakaat

Yo mommas so ugly, purdah became compulsory on her

yo mommas so old, she knew a Taba Taabi een

Yo momma so ugly, when she was born they had to play the azaan on the hifi because no one

wanted to get close to her face

yo momma so fat she dont need anyone to complete her

yo momma so fat, her qabr had to be six feet wide

Yo momma so ugly, when your dad made nikkah, she paid him mehr

yo momma so fat, her miswaak is an oak tree

yo mommas so fat when she wears white people stop fasting and celebrate Eid

From Waseem and Saaleha

Your momma so old, she was on the ark with Nuh (A.S), and shes so fat, he paired her up with an elephant.

Your momma is so ugly, one glance is enough

yo mamma's so fat she qualifies as two witnesses.

Before I get grilled by any anonymous commenters, I'm not picking on anyones mum. I have the highest regards for all mothers and I make dua that allah grants them all lofty positions, and that their children are a coolness of their eyes. This blog should be taken in jest (let me bold that up for you haters out there). if you have anymore - feel free to contribute. Don't get personal, or blasphemous and don't copy and paste from the Internet. Oh - I'm looking for muslim references preferably.